The Philadelphia Expeiment Chonicles: Exploing the Stange Case of Alfed Bielek and D. M.K. Jessup Papeback, Inne Light - Global Communications가격19,050₩별점0.0
(영문도서) Philadelphia Expeiment Tales Papeback, Independently Published, English, 9798345036280가격23,500₩별점0.0
(영문도서) The Philadelphia Expeiment: Secets Science and Conspiacy Papeback, Independently Published, English, 9798343772241가격14,100₩별점0.0
(영문도서) The Philadelphia Expeiment: The Histoy of Wold Wa II's Most Unshakable Uban Legend Papeback, Independently Published, English, 9798850783310가격11,000₩별점0.0